Cross-Broder Industries

Close Partnership with Many Cooperations in Cross-Broder Industries

If you happen to be a pioneer in an industry venturing into global markets and find cross-border payments challenging or unfamiliar, feel free to click the button below to contact us. Let PayerMax join you on the journey towards global success.

Enterprise SaaS
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Short Drama Industry Case Studies

PayerMax Helps Top Short Drama Merchant
Expand Their Website User Base

This leading short drama platform in Southeast Asia has millions of users. However, they have limited experience handling payment and they heavily rely on in-app payments, which causes troubles and problems.
Limited Payment Channels
Insufficient Payment Methods
High Payment Costs
Low Transaction Conversion Rate
PayerMax draws inspiration from industry-leading cases to guide the merchant towards building the whole web-based payment channel, alleviating the pain points associated with app-based payments.
PayerMax offers suggestions on how to convert app users to the web platform, thereby encouraging more users to embrace PayerMax's extensive and high-conversion payment solutions.